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Available grants are listed below.
Please check back often for new opportunities.

• Training Registration Form (coming soon)
• Training Salary Form (coming soon)

Grant Deadline Extension
The grant deadline for Serv Safe and NJ Brass has been extended to August. Contact us for training. 

NJ Best Practices for Responsible Alcohol Service System 

A new and innovative program developed for New Jersey liquor license holders by the NJLBA, the law enforcement community and former ABC investigators, this course provides bartenders and wait staff with the tools needed to put in place responsible hospitality practices. 

A comprehensive training program, this course helps employees develop a better understanding of local, state and federal alcohol laws, as well as the significant responsibilities that come with serving or selling alcohol. After attending this class, a NJBRASS trained employee will be able to recognize and mitigate a wide range of potential problems, including dealing effectively and professionally with intoxicated patrons and those under the legal drinking age. The demand for alcohol server training continues to increase in New Jersey, as employers recognize the ongoing need to have both current and new employees educated on the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. An asset to any bar, restaurant or tavern, the individuals who attend these classes will also help to ensure a safe and secure environment for all patrons, making it a win-win-win for the employees, business owners and the community at large.

Minimum of 14students per class session.

ServSafe and ServSafe Recertification

New Jersey retail food rules (chapter 24, Sanitation in Retail Food Establishments and Food and Beverage Vending Machines) requires that if a food establishment is classified as a “Risk type 3 food establishment” there must be at least on certified food protection manager on site who is responsible for food safety operations. Through the ServSafe training program, food managers will become knowledgeable of the latest FDA Food Code and New Jersey’s food safety regulations. This comprehensive course will cover all the required elements of safe food handing. The course will cover origins of food contamination, personal hygiene and overall employee involvement in safe food handling. Upon successful completion of the course, the managers will obtain food safety certification that is valid for five years. ServSafe is also offered in Spanish.  

Minimum of 14 students per class session.












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