J A N U A R Y - 2 0 2 5
Wednesday, January 15th
NJLBA Board Meeting
Killarney's Publick House — 1:00pm
F E B R U A R Y - 2 0 2 5
Wednesday, February 26th
NJLBA Board Meeting
Via Zoom
M A R C H - 2 0 2 5
Wednesday, March 12th
NJLBA Board Meeting
Ellery's Grill — 1:00pm
701 Lincoln Blvd.
Middlesex, New Jersey directions
A P R I L - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
M A Y - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
J U N E - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced

Monday, June 9th
29th Annual Bar A Golf Outing
The Pine Barrens Golf Club
Jackson, NJ
Monday, June 25th
Annual Wellhofer Scholarship Picnic
The Pine Barrens Golf Club
Jackson, NJ
J U L Y - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
A U G U S T - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
S E P T E M B E R - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
O C T O B E R - 2 0 2 5
Wednesday, October 1st
NJLBA South Jersey Golf Outing
Location & time to be announced
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
N O V E M B E R - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced
November 18-19th
NJLBA 92nd Annual Convention
Location & time to be announced
D E C E M B E R - 2 0 2 5
Date to be Announced
NJLBA Board Meeting
Location & time to be announced